Why I'm still single
Okay, I admit, hope if marriage is lost on me. People have stopped asking me if I'm going to get married; they've just stopped talking about marriage altogether in front of me. So the cat's out of the bag and you can all stop whispering about me and how my weight loss is too little too late. I've recently been able to quantify the reason that I'm still single. It's called the Mormon Scale of Attractiveness, and it has more merit than most give it credit for. The only flaw in the otherwise genius scale is that it doesn't take into consideration whether you are a returned missionary or have an advanced degree. I believe both of those will dock you a full point if you're female. So...in short...I'm screwed. Dock me another point for sarcasm, I just dare you.
So I now have to make a command decision: To stay or not to stay. Not to stay means leaving loved ones, and that's hard for me, believe it or not. To stay means probably cooking for one the rest of my life. I'm not wholly unhappy with the latter option, but I do get lonely and feel unwanted from time to time when no one pops the question. I usually shut that voice up with cookie dough ice cream, but my recent banding has me reeling from such indulgences so I just have to put up with it.
So, if you're male, don't have an over-inflated ego and you like chubby, sarcastic women, then give me a call.
So I now have to make a command decision: To stay or not to stay. Not to stay means leaving loved ones, and that's hard for me, believe it or not. To stay means probably cooking for one the rest of my life. I'm not wholly unhappy with the latter option, but I do get lonely and feel unwanted from time to time when no one pops the question. I usually shut that voice up with cookie dough ice cream, but my recent banding has me reeling from such indulgences so I just have to put up with it.
So, if you're male, don't have an over-inflated ego and you like chubby, sarcastic women, then give me a call.
At 8:05 PM,
Anonymous said…
I know what you mean its just hopeless.
At 9:46 PM,
Marion Jensen said…
Sarcasm doesn't get you docked a point, it gains you at least one point. Two in my book (but then my book is really, really sophisticated)...
At 11:15 PM,
Georgie Porgie said…
Okay Buckley, in your super sophisticated book, I got 2 points for sarcasm - for friendship. But look who you're married to, brotha! You are married to the world's LEAST sarcastic woman (and a good woman, at that). So I believe that you like to HANG with us cynical, jaded women with a highly developed sense of sarcasm, but when it came down to it, you chose sweet and, uh, unsarcastic. And this is my point in case. So while I give you sympathy points for posting bravery, when it comes to dating honesty I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.
At 8:33 PM,
MikeAndMara said…
I'm not a stalker, I swear!
I was on the other site - after a long time - and noticed that Sept 12th is an important date for you. (and since you don't want personal e-mails sent to you anymore...I tracked you down here) Just wanted you to know how WIERD it was that I saw that! - Sept 12th will be my important date. You're the only person I connected with on that sight and now we'll share 9/12. Innit speecial? Hope your dating scene is getting better!
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