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Tuesday, December 19, 2006

I hate men

I don't know how I'm going to ever trust men again. After all I experienced with Kori, I'm pretty sure I was just his bootie call. The man is a loose cannon. Why did I not see this coming? All my friends saw it coming. They all knew he was bad for me. I didn't see it. I just thought they didn't know him like I knew him.

Let me backtrack. Yes, I'm back from Canada. Yeah, I had a good time. Too good a time. But today he calls me and tells me he's going to get back with the woman he had the affair with because "it's too hard. I can't be good anymore. I've tried for 9 months to be good and I'm the same person I was then." This is probably true. But I told him he'd be throwing his life away if he did that. He can't just go start up another affair because he's had a crappy day today. Of course, he broke my heart, the dirty bastard. He broke it in the worst way a man can break it. As a child of God, I want the best for him. I want him to make good decisions in life and I want him to find a good girl and get married. But as someone who killed me emotionally and played a part in killing me spiritually, I want him to die! I hate his freakin guts. My cousin Andrea said "I know a guy if you need him taken care of. " LOL. I wish. But I still have very mixed feelings at this point. I still miss him and want to be with him. At the same time, he's not worthy of me. I deserve so much better than him.

I keep thinking I'll never find a man that I liked as much as Kori. But in reality, I know another man is out there for me. I can get along with anyone. I just want someone fun! I don't even care if they're cute any more. I've done cute, I'm done with cute. Cute equals jerk or playa. I wasn't even ALL that attracted to Kori when he first contacted me (and he said the same). It was his personality that made him so beautiful to me. But I didn't care what he looked like in the end. I loved him for him. But at this point I want nice, I want fun, I want spontaneous, I want righteous. He's out there. Dear Lord, please help me to find him because I'm about to rip my hair out with this one!


  • At 2:57 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    awww man. I am sorry. I was so excited for you too! Your perfect guy is out there.... you will find him. I am sorry you are hurt, men can suck. But when you find the right one, all the heartache is worth it!!!


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