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Friday, February 16, 2007

Godly Sorrow

I went to institute last Thursday and they talked about what it means to have Godly sorrow. I have really thought about this since. Has my sorrow been for the pain or for the sin? One girl brought up a talk by Anthony Perkins in the Fall General Conference, where he talked about how Godly sorrow brings about hope, whereas worldly sorrow brings about hopelessness. I wonder if I've truly had Godly sorrow then. My feelings have been, for the most part, of hopelessness, with occasional bouts of hope.

So I guess the only question now is how do you GET Godly sorrow? I know it seems a funny question. Jesus said, "If ye love me, keep my commandments." I DO love my Savior, and I want to follow Him, but sometimes I find myself actually missing what it was that I'm paying for so dearly right now. It's pretty messed up. If I actually had Godly sorrow, I can't imagine ever wanting it back, especially from a man that used me so terribly. And yet I do on occassion. I'm not convinced that I'm totally devoid of Godly sorrow. I've turned to God for change and He has answered my prayers every time. Maybe I should pray for it?


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