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Sunday, September 18, 2005

Cottage Cheese = Heaven

I don't mean the cottage cheese on the thighs, people. As we speak, or talk, or write, whatever, I am eating cottage cheese. One would probably never have thought that cottage cheese could elicit such feelings of joy and happiness in a person. One would be wrong.

It all started about 40 minutes ago. I suddenly realized that I could have pureed food today! And what to my wondering eyes should appear, but cottage cheese listed on the pureed food list. So I got my tail over to the refrigerator, filled up 1/4 cup of cottage cheese, and began to chew, chew, chew, then swallow of course, all with the use of my baby spoon (the swallowing and chewing I did on my own).

The only problem now is... how much do I eat? I really have no idea. I eat EXTRA slow, just to be safe. But taking 40 minutes to eat 1/4 cup of cottage cheese is somewhat ridiculous. I just don't want to reach that productive belching point, or add stress to the band right now. I've never reached the point of "fullness", but perhaps that's because I don't really know what that feels like, or because I'm eating too slow. I think I should eat more. I'm only getting like 400 calories in a day. That CAN'T be good. I just don't know how to get more in. Does ANYONE out there know?


  • At 4:35 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    If it helps any, during the mushie stage, I ate until I was full. Not like stuffed, but until I didn't really feel hungry. Its more a stage for healing that anything else. You *probably* don't have to worry about pbing until after your first fill... as long as you're chewing properly.

    Good luck with it all.


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