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Friday, September 08, 2006

I smell fall

No, I don't smell like fall, I smell fall coming. It's in everything, and I get a little giddy when this time of year comes around. I love to step on leaves and hear them crunch, that's primarily the reason I love the season. I love the fresh air, Halloween, and the fact that Christmas is just around the corner. I love pre-Christmas winter as well. After Christmas the snow should go away and it should turn warm again, that's my final verdict.

Thursday, September 07, 2006


I am taking an anatomy & physiology class this semester. It's kicking my gluteus maximus. Most of the time I sit in class feeling stupid, wondering if this is the right direction for me, wondering if I can hack it in the medical field, looking like a dork because I rode my bike to class and look like a scrub. But Tuesday all my efforts seemed worthwhile. I took a big test for the class, two actually. It was the first tests in the class and supposedly one of the most difficult. It's a weeding out class so they like to throw those at you in the beginning. Anyhow, so the teacher announced the average, highs and lows for the class. The low, a 66, and 70, respectively (on the two tests); the high, a 98 and 100. Guess who got the highs? ME! Out of all the freakin Anatomy students this semester! Can I get a woot woot?

So maybe now I won't feel so stupid from now on. I'm sort of remembering that I have a different learning style from most people. I have to study harder, a lot harder. But once I "get" things, I fully get them. When I was in 2nd grade I couldn't read (don't laugh), but then in ONE week it came together for me. The next week I could read, and I could read really well. So what did they do? They put me in an advanced split-grade class. They didn't realize the other subjects hadn't come together for me the way reading did. The same thing happened with music. Even my old teacher would say I wasn't "talented" at playing the viola, but in one summer it came together for me. Believe me, I had to practice about 3 hours a day for it to come together, but it did, and after that I became one of the best violists in the state. So if I give you a blank stare the first time you tell me something, yeah, it was blank for a reason, please repeat what you said and I'll probably get it the second time.