Don't look for your damned inspiration here!

Saturday, June 17, 2006


I bought a new toy yesterday; it's called BodyBugg. It tracks exactly how many calories I'm expending. I just wear it on my arm all day and it keeps tracking. THIS is what I've been looking for to determine the best course of workout I should be doing. Finally I can tell people with confidence whether or not 20 minutes of interval training is actually more effective than 40 minutes low-intensity training. I know initially that 40 minutes will burn more calories, but my contention has always been that the interval training continues to burn more calories after the workout - much more so than low-intensity training.

This bodybugg thing will track calories burned, calories expended, works as a pedometer, allows you to track intake every day and, based on your goals, suggets calorie defecits and allows you to see how much of a defecit you have each day and before each meal, isolates activities within your schedule, looks for trends, makes your bed and brushes your teeth every day. Oh, wait, scratch those last two. The trainer I talked with said I only know 5% of what it can do and I'm already excited about it. I think he's getting a commission. I paid the low, low price of $495 for this little bug - for that price I better not be able to squash it like one.

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Am I Clinical?

I'm probably clinically insane. Who else goes from a career in music to technical to movies to design and then to medicine? ME, that's who. I've been telling people I'm close to about applying to med school. I even told my boss. No one seems surprised about this and that's what pisses me off. Just kidding, I know they just know how I am. Mark calls it "reinventing" yourself; my mom calls it being undecided about my future. I don't care what it's called, there's absolutely nothing wrong with taking advantage of the fact that I get free tuition and have a flexible work schedule that will allow me to do this with almost no financial implications or major life changes. I'm sure I'll always be passionate about web design and usability, but I can also be passionate about medicine and I can be passionate about music and movies as well.

Moving on... I've been losing quite fast lately, depite being able to eat a lot of food. I've been eating very small meals still and then just going to bed somewhat early to get my mind off of food. Tonight I took Eric to Lagoon. We had a good time but my stomach was SOOO hungry because I was up past my bedtime. So when I got home I had two (count 'em, TWO) chocolate chip cookies that my sister had made. She's the devil.

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

To Be or Not to Be, That is the Question

For a little while now I've had this urge to serve humanity somehow. I haven't really known what I need to do and thus haven't done anything about it. So, a few weeks ago, after a long conversation about health, I think I realized what it was that I need to do. I want to be a Physician's Assistant (PA). See, I used to work at a hospital in SLC in the E.R. I learned to love it there. I got my CNA at the hospital and then started clerking in the back of the ER. I think I'd make a good PA. Even now, instead of reading fiction, I read books about amino acids and liver functionality and exercise physiology. People think I'm weird, but it's what I like. And I think it would be very rewarding and give me the opportunity to serve.

Applying to medical school is the hard part. The University of Utah has 32 openings and roughly 560 applicants each year. My odds are not good, ecspecially for having such a limited medical background. Apparently most applicants are nurses. I suppose I can always apply and see what happens. In the meantime I'll apply to the Nursing department on campus - I'm pretty sure I'll get into that. I may have to get my nursing BSA before a PA degree.

Thursday, June 01, 2006

I lost weight on vacation

It's true. But 2 days after my return I was 3 pounds lighter than the day before I left. Isn't life grand? I think it was all that friggin bike riding I did because it certainly wansn't the food I was eating. I was actually just slightly less restricted on the cruise, despite having .5 cc's unfilled. And now that I'm back it doesn't seem like I can eat as much as I could at 2.0 before. I don't get this band business. As long as that number on the scale is moving down I'm okay.

Sara turned 30 yesterday. She didn't say it, but I could tell it was a sad moment for her. Who cares how old you ACTUALLY are as long as you can perpetually say you're 26 and get away with it? So, that's what I'm suggesting she do. She could pass for 26. Yes, I'm condoning the age lie, but only if it makes you feel better (the devil made me say that).

In other news... I took my little bro to the witch doctor yesterday for his assessment. The boy gets debilitating migranes every morning and doesn't wake up until 2:00 in the afternoon. Hence, he doesn't go to school, he gets very little sunlight, etc. So I took him to Nancy to see what was going on. Well, the boy is a toxic waste dump and his liver has stopped functioning the way it should. So his allergies are causing him to store all this crap in his body and he's not able to release it except through things like acne and, you guessed it, migraines! So she put him on this diet of no wheat, no milk, no sugar, and no vinegar for 3 weeks. This will be VERY hard for a 15-year-old! Plus, Nancy says he's probably depressed, based off his stress levels and his incredibly low seratonin. It's no surprise to me. My mother freaked out when I told her what kind of diet he needed and all the supplements I got for him. I think she understands he needs to do this, but the stress of it all is so overwhelming to her. So I'm cooking them dinner every night for 3 weeks so there are no excuses. I REALLY hope this does the trick for him. He doesn't deserve all these problems at his age.