Don't look for your damned inspiration here!

Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Where am I going, and why am I in this handbasket?

Today I am pre-band. This means that for exactly 13 days I can eat whatever I want and NOT throw it up. Sept. 12 will be another story.

I'm not sure exactly how much I weigh, but I'm a big girl. For some strange reason, despite all the serious sit-down talks I've had with it, fat just doesn't come off me. In fact, it seems to do exactly opposite what I say. On Sept. 12 Dr. Hansen at South Towne Surgical Center is going to have his own sit-down talk with it.

Yes, I'm taking the obesity surgery road and opting for the Lap-Band. "To Hell in a Handbasket" as my dear mother would say. OK, my dear mother would probably say something more like, "Go to Hell," but that's another story.

I've gone through all the typical emotions that a person goes through when a person decides that for the rest of her life she wants to eat 1/2-1 cup of food at a time with the likely possibility that she will "productively belch" some of that food up. I can just see the belching contests taking a wicked turn.

I've come to the conclusion that I'm fed up with my fat friend, and I'm ridding myself of our long-term relationship. However, it's the long-term relationship that worries me the most. I have never thought of food as an emotional crutch. If anything, my appetite decreases when I get sad. I think food might be a power thing for me. I guess we'll find out what the ugly truth is.

Look ma! My own blog!

Ugh! I've re-typed a stupid "catchy" opening sentence about 20 times in hopes of becoming one of those witty bloggers who never run out of things to say. Sorry, but my wit is nye inspired today. In fact, this entire blog is inspiration-free. So... ma... turn your head the other way as your little girl posts the big, the bad, and the ugly side of weight loss!